Bee’s (Oven-Baked) French “Toast-fu” Sticks with a Homemade Butter Icing

Prep Time: 6 hours – 1 day (day-before prep)1
Cook Time: 20-30 minutes

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No video was made for this recipe, but I plan on making one soon. I really have taken a big liking to tofu. I think my reasoning behind liking it so much is the fact that my kids also love it. Tofu is very light on the taste buds, yet very absorbent, making it very easy to mold and shape into many flavors and dishes. Tofu is also a great source of plant-based protein.

Fun Fact: tofu can be used to create breakfast, lunch, dinner, and dessert! Also, while tofu is typically used as a meat replacement, due to its protein content, firm (or extra firm) tofu makes for a great bread substitute. Soft tofu makes a deliciously awesome pudding.

With any tofu recipe that I’m doing, if I am trying to mold the flavor, I allow the tofu to sit in the marinade or seasoning for at least 4 hours. The longer you allow your tofu to marinate, the more flavor it will absorb and hold (I usually marinate overnight). With this recipe relying on the added extracts for flavor, I recommend soaking and marinating these tofu sticks for at least 6 hours. While the outer breading is delicious on its own, the vanilla and almond extracts pull the entire aroma and flavor profile of this recipe together.

Why Tofu?

Fun Fact: Tofu is low carb!

A half-cup serving of firm tofu gives about 21.8 grams of protein and 11 grams of healthy fat, per and the Department of Agriculture website.

While you may be asking why, when it comes to eating and trying tofu, I ask the opposing question. Why not try something different yet healthy? Tofu is a simple food made from soybeans and water. The process is quite interesting and simple. Tofu is also a great option for those with stomach issues and an adventurous palette. You’d be surprised how filling tofu is.

You don’t have to be vegan nor vegetarian to enjoy tofu. With it being such an affordable food item, it’s the perfect way to keep protein packed meals in the home while on a budget. I would much rather have fresh tofu versus heavily processed and preserved meats from cans, jars, and pouches. I am not knocking any of those foods, nor anyone who enjoys them. However, keep in mind that there are MANY ways to eat fresh and healthy on a budget.

Alterations and Substitutions

With this recipe, I include almond flour and Cheerios (off-brand “cheerios”). The breading can be altered to your liking with other cereals. Some of my favorites are fruity cereals. I also occasionally crush up cereal that includes dehydrated marshmallows and use it as the breading. If you have an allergy to, or simply don’t like nuts, just follow the vanilla extract and cereal recipe.

You won’t need to find a binder substitute, as there is no need for a binder. The wet tofu picks up the crumbs just fine.

This meal can also be made into a complete vegetarian or lacto-vegetarian meal. For the sweet marinade, you can use many different types of milk, including soy milk, almond milk, cashew milk, coconut milk, cow’s milk, heavy cream, and more.

Baking Tools

For the baking process, it will go smooth as butter with the following tools: baking sheet, cooking rack to fit the baking sheet, parchment paper, and cooking oil/cooking oil spray.

When you are baking tofu, it is best to use an oven rack over the baking sheet, and a perforated sheet of parchment paper layered over the oven rack. I create the holes in the parchment paper with either a fine knife tip or a toothpick. Either of those will work just fine. Remember to hold the parchment paper tight while you penetrate it, so that you don’t accidentally rip the parchment paper.

Tofu is full of water. Proper ventilation and having a rack to cook on, with a baking sheet underneath, will ensure that the tofu cooks evenly, while being able to drain its water content as it cooks without making the tofu breading soggy. I also suggest either spraying some cooking oil spray or bushing a thin layer of cooking oil on the parchment paper before laying down the prepared tofu sticks. They will turn out perfect and easily removable every time.


French Toast-fu Sticks

  • 16 oz firm tofu
  • 2 tsp cinnamon
  • 1/8 tsp nutmeg
  • 1 tsp extract of choice (vanilla and almond work best)
  • 1 TBSP sugar
  • 1 cup milk of choice (I used almond milk)
  • Cereal of choice AND/OR almond flour blended with light brown sugar

Homemade Butter Icing

  • 1/2 cup sugar
  • 1 TBSP cornstarch
  • 2 tablespoons butter
  • 1 cup milk, cream, or replacement

TIP: If you’d rather use a nut-based milk, just add powdered sugar, or more cornstarch, to thicken it up to the desired consistency. You can also add any extract of choice to flavor your icing.


French Toast-fu Sticks

Cut the tofu to your desired size, in stick-like rectangular shapes (much like regular French toast sticks) and place them into a sealable or coverable container.

Combine the milk, sugar, cinnamon, nutmeg, and extract of choice (almond, vanilla), and pour the mixture over the tofu.

Place your sweetly seasoned tofu sticks into the refrigerator and allow them to marinate and soak for at least 6 hours.

After you have allowed your tofu sticks to marinate, crush up your favorite or healthiest cereal into a breading. You can also combine almond flour and light brown sugar together for a deliciously sweet breading/coating.

Preheat your oven to 400 degrees and coat each tofu stick with your breading choice. No binder is necessary.

Place your breaded tofu sticks on the baking rack as you go, until you fill it up, then place them in the oven for 20-30 minutes, depending on your oven.

You may need to go longer, as it also depends on the cereal or breading type that you use.

That’s it. Your faux French toast sticks, aka French Toast-fu Sticks, are ready to eat and serve.

Homemade Butter Icing

In a bowl or wide cup, combine the sugar and cornstarch, mixing it evenly.

In a medium pot or saucepan, melt the butter over medium heat and stir in the sugar and cornstarch mixture.

Pour in the milk and stir frequently as you bring it to a boil.
Depending on the type of oven you have, you may need to slightly turn down the heat to avoid burning from over boiling.

As it boils, continue to stir until you have reached your desired thickness.

That’s it. Your butter icing is ready. Add a touch of vanilla extract to enhance your icing.

If you like rum icing, add a tsp or two of rum extract. Now you have a butter rum icing.

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